One Thousand Gifts #3

Yesterday Ricardo and I celebrated our forty-sixth anniversary.  It sounds like a very long time, but it seems as though the years have flown by.  There have been difficult times, especially when the kids were small and money was tight, but overall we have been very happy together.  God has given us so many gifts: 

17.  a strong spirit of fidelity

18.  the ability to laugh at ourselves

19.  the ability to see each other’s point of view

and Ricardo himself is a constant blessing to me.  Looking at him to see the God who made me, I can see a man who

20.  forgives unconditionally

21.  loves me just as I am

22.  is more than willing to meet me halfway–he’s there ahead of me

23.   is a constant support for me

24.  is always ready to listen

and these qualities persist as he suffers through Parkinson’s Disease, never knowing quite where his own path will be going.  Thank you, God, for such a husband, and for forty-six years together.

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2 Responses to One Thousand Gifts #3

  1. Miz_hatbox says:

    A very happy anniversary to you both!

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